Important Research

Below you’ll find the most current evidence-based research as I review it and publish it.  Please continue to check back frequently and follow our community on Facebook to keep up to date.

ADD is over diagnosed and often treatable without medications

If you question whether ADD or ADHD is the correct diagnosis or if drugs are the best short term or long term plan, listen to this podcast about Neurofield work.  This is a non-invasive means to treat/improve and oftentimes resolve symptoms associated with ADD, ADHD,...

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Autism – the surprising truths

Everyone who has a child with or WITHOUT autism, young or older, needs to listen to this podcast. Dr. Woeller is a pioneer in the assessment, nutritional and treatment approaches for children with autism, among many other chronic illnesses. I was extremely fortunate...

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A food intolerance that can cause abnormal EEGs?

There are dozens of dietary interventions that can provide healing opportunities for children. Identifying which diet can be healing for your child, can be frustrating. In this podcast, parents will learn that salicylate intolerance may occur in their families. This...

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The MMR Vaccine and increased risk of seizures

Physicians for Informed Consent is an alliance of medical doctors who are doing the research about risks of vaccines.  This is in an excellent easy to read format.  Please do share. PIC_MMR-Seizure-PSA  

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Specialized pro-resolving mediators may be an exciting new tool to help remediate inflammation while improving underlying imbalances/infections/toxins. In the functional model, chronic inflammation is underlying all chronic health conditions.  At Nutrition for...

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Choosing meals has become easier for school and home

Kudos to Julie Matthews at BioIndividual Nutrition for creating this simple checklist that can be printed and posted on the refrigerator.  The columns help the parent and the child choose a food from each section and factors in dietary considerations.  This is an...

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Meditation Sessions 10 Days of recordings here

I am so pleased that many of you found the time to join me in recorded audio meditation sessions.  I know it's not easy to manage our time but it's critical for our stress response and to remind ourselves to love ourselves.  Here's a recap of the Facebook Meditation...

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Can anti epileptic drugs worsen methylation?

There is much research that suggests that methylation may be a root cause of the onset of seizure activity.  You can refer to my blog on methylation and seizure activity here.   This latest research suggests that anti epileptic drugs may actually increase the risk...

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What I’m reading

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