There is much research that suggests that methylation may be a root cause of the onset of seizure activity.  You can refer to my blog on methylation and seizure activity here.  

This latest research suggests that anti epileptic drugs may actually increase the risk factors affecting DNA methylating function.

Our findings suggest that the effects of AED monotherapy on OCM [one-carbon metabolism “methylation”] may induce specific regions of DNA hypomethylation.

This research explored the folate pathway via the MTHFR homocysteine/methionine pathway and explored only one drug therapy.  This is important research in that it identified that with valproic acid and/or lamitrogine the risk for hypomethylation increases.   This research did not explore Keppra, Onfi or Banzel which are also often prescribed.

I have in question the influence of other genetic variances (such as COMT, CBS,VDR taq, SUOX, GSTP for examples) that may further exacerbate the compromised functionality of methylation with the presence of one AED.  I would also further question, what occurs when multiple AED’s are taken, as so often seen in many of my clients? Would multiple AED’s increase the risk of hypomethylation?

B12 can be an excellent support for methylation.  You can read this blog here.   I would caution you jumping into B12 supplementation without doing the research or consulting with a qualified practitioner.   Certain forms of B12 can increase seizure activity, depending on the bio-individuality.

I urge you to read the research, share this information with your neurologist.  Please do not stop your medications without the support of a neurologist.