The medical literature on the effectiveness of certain probiotic strains has remained limited.  But in this paper titled “Probiotics in Children: what is the evidence?”two particular strains of probiotics are shown to be effective at preventing and treating upper respiratory infections,  antibiotic-associated diarrhea and contracted diarrhea (which can occur in hospitals and daycare centers).  Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG, particularly the GG, has been demonstrated to be effective at the above.

A second probiotic, referred to as Saccharomyces boulardii has also been shown to be effective for eradicating symptoms associated with gastroenteritis.  In my professional experience, children that are sensitive to S. Cerevesai (on an IgG food sensitivity panel) will have challenges with S. boulardii.  L. Rhamnosus is my preferred recommendation and is instrumental in eradicating clostridia infections.  The brand name, Culturelle, is one particular product that contains Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG.  However, Culturelle products also contain inulin/chicory (a prebiotic) that can be problematic for those individuals that have difficulties digesting FODMAPs.

Bringing much light,
