With every child and adult client that I have worked with to date, they have tested positive for either high levels of yeast overgrowth, high levels of bacteria or both.  For this reason, I have spent the past 22 weeks delving into deep study, under an excellent mentor, Dr. Kurt Woeller, into how to best support systems to eradicate the infections and ultimately attend to eliminating the symptoms.

Prior to this study, I understood that gut infections affected how the brain performs.  Six years ago I would plead with my son’s neurologists  to examine his body that was attached to his head (where all of the attention was given).  Intuitively,  I suspected that my son’s seizures were a result of systemic imbalances.  Today, my knowledge brings this connection full circle.

Dr. Mark Hyman, a notable pioneer in functional medicine states

“The brain is mostly down stream from the real causes which are found in the biology of your whole body. Brain problems or “disorders” are almost always systemic disorders; and the cure will be found outside the brain – in your body.” -Doctor Mark Hyman MD

Before I explain how yeast and bacteria overgrowth can be a root cause of seizures, let’s discuss the basics.  There is an important distinction between endotoxins and exotoxins.  Exotoxins are the toxins exposed by the environment.  Mold in walls, for example would describe an exotoxin. These are somewhat easier to identify based on an awareness of ones’ environment.    Endotoxins are those toxins that are released internally from disrupted cells.  These toxins can interfere with many major functions in the body by interfering with enzyme activity (catalysts for conversions) that can create road blocks in many pathways in the systems, including methylation and in the conversions in neurotransmitters.   Two major factors that when impaired can be a cause for seizures.

Candida and clostridia both release endotoxins.  Candida releases a toxin referred to as acetylaldehyde which is a product of ethanol (alcohol).  As a result, like a person who is hungover, an individual that is toxic with these toxins can exhibit behaviors such as:

  • headache
  • foggy thinking
  • irritability and/or depression
  • fatigue
  • soreness
  • sensitivity
  • giddiness, inappropriate laughter


All symptoms related to a hangover, are similar to candida overgrowth and reduced methylation. Reduced methylation impairs the body’s ability to produce balanced neurotransmitters. (Please refer to my blog on methylation here).   Neurotransmitters are our built-in calming mechanisms.  An individual that has an infection does not have the resources prevent the over reactivity of the stress response (fight/flight).  This can lead to seizures.

Bacterial infections such as clostridia difficile, botulinum (of the approximate 100 strains) further interfere with neurotransmitter balancing.  There are some studies that suggest that 70% of children with neurodevelopmental symptoms have tested positive for clostridia diff.  Clostria bacteria inhabits the gastrointestinal system and releases toxins that affect the brain and elsewhere.

The microbiome (the environment in the gut) becomes stress, altered, inflamed and results in inhibiting gut contractions (constipation, poor motility).  Toxins can accumulate in the small intestine, leading to SIBO.  The vagus nerve which links the gut to the brain, modulates the inflammation through the immune system (the brain is primarily immune).  Toxins from the GI move through the vagus nerve into the cerebellum and affects GABA, a powerful calming neurotransmitter.  The toxins further affect the enzyme system which can deplete glutathione (the body’s major antioxidant that helps with detoxification).  Excess dopamine (compared to “gas” in a car) then leads to increased inflammation, oxidative stress (cellular damage). The fight/flight system is then placed in overload.   This further compromises the body’s mitochondrial function (that produces the batteries in our cells).   Mitochondrial dysfunction appears in numerous medical journals as a strong correlation with seizures.    The domino effect is endless.

In many individuals, these variables are ample to trigger seizures.  To further the challenges, some individuals carry a COMT genetic variance that impairs an enzyme to convert dopamine to adrenaline further, leaving an individual in a chronic state of stress with an impaired ability to respond.

All of these factors can contribute root causes for seizures.

It’s imperative for the health of the individual that infections are identified and eradicated.  The organic acids test offers numerous markers that indicate if candida and or a bacterial infection are present and is often time more reliable than a comprehensive stool analysis.

Much light,





Dr. William Shaw. Inhibition of dopamine conversion to norepinephrine by Clostridia metabolites appears to be a (the) major cause of autism, schizophrenia, and other neuropsychiatric disorders.http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/home/eng/articles/Interference%20in%20dopamine%20conversion%20to%20norepinephrine%20FINAL.pdf