In a recent journal titled “Thyroid hormones: Possible roles in epilepsy pathology“, the authors explore the impact of an underactive thyroid on seizures.   The researchers report that the thyroid hormones (THs) l-thyroxine (T4) and l-triiodothyronine ( T3) have a direct impact on metabolic function, specifically tyrosine-derived hormones (dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline).  Thyroid hormones also affect the glutamine/glutamate/GABA conversion.  The researchers theorize that thyroid abnormalities may lead to the development of epilepsy.

Any mainstream, allopathic, physician can test for thyroid dysfunction. It’s important that each child/adult that continues to have seizures is tested for thyroid imbalances.  Ultimately, five tests should be completed to gather a comprehensive assessment:  TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3 and TPO.  The first four tests assess the total performance of the thyroid (TSH is not enough!).  TPO stands for thyroid pyroxidase antibodies and tests for autoimmune (the body attacking its own thyroid tissue).

Be well,
