When my son became ill, several years ago, with an intractable seizure disorder, I felt like my world caved in.  I also believed that my best resource was the medical profession.  I was at their mercy.   I told myself ‘they know best’, ‘they study this professionally’, ‘this is their area of expertise.’  Yet, very quickly I discovered that he was not improving while in their care.  Furthermore their diagnosis of “idiopathic’ (they have no idea) and “he may/may not grow out of this” was enough for me to question if they had ALL of the answers.

I put this webinar together last year with the intention of sharing what you can do to feel as though you have more control in you or your child’s healthcare.  As a dear friend said to me:

the professionals may be an expert in their area, but you are an expert in your son.

This recorded webinar is approximately 30 minutes long.  But feel free to fast forward, stop, re-visit,as you please.  I’m hoping that my experience can give you the strength that you need to move forward in your journey.

Watch it here

And if you haven’t already, be sure to register for the first FREE webinar of 2017 on “Oxalates: a potential cause for seizures. How to identify and develop a healing protocol.”

Again, you can register here.

Much light,
