1-on-1 Coaching

This page includes information on what clients may achieve, how to purchase a service, order lab kits and download assessments to be completed.

Personalized one-on-one coaching works with you to help us identify the tools that can help you heal.   I will provide you with support, guidance and education on how you begin to feel improved and stay improved.

Please read the testimonials here.

I currently OFFER TWO OPTIONS: A LIMITED offer 60-Consecutive Day Support System OR a One-Time 90 Minute Consultation.

#1  60 Consecutive Day Support is offered for a limited time only.

During these one-on-one coaching sessions, together, we will identify all of the hidden stressors that have been creating your symptoms. Yes, seizures are a symptom. They may result from imbalances in the endocrine, digestive, detoxification, metabolic systems and in many cases in multiple systems. Healing is a process and does take time. You will need and want to use my support which is why I offer a 60 day assessment and support process. I won’t leave you during this time to figure it out on your own. And I too, have a team of mentors that support me, that support you, through this process.

This is what you’ll hope to achieve in 60 days:
• A specifically targeted diet that will help support the hormone, immune, digestive, detoxification and neurotransmitters based on individualized needs. A ‘diet’ will no longer be a guessing game.
• What foods, environmental considerations must be avoided.
• Your specific needs to improve the integrity of the digestive system and strengthen the microbiome.
• Nutritional supports based on reports of clearly identified nutritional deficiencies.
• A clear understanding of what systems need support and how to proceed in gaining those supports.

• Improved energy
• Higher stress tolerance
• Improved sleep
• Improved immune system
• Improved digestive system
• Waking up refreshed
• An improvement in seizures

In 60 days we will spend one 90 minute consultation followed by (four) 30 minute sessions.
•  Private coaching sessions will be by phone or Skype per month
• A comprehensive Health History Review
• Breakthrough Goal Setting and Action Planning
• Personalized Health Success Plan
• Daily Supplement Guide
• Dietary recommendations customized just for you
• Daily Health Journal
• Conveniently accessed physician-grade supplements
• Functional lab test recommendations and interpretation of results
• Access to Functional lab testing (cost of testing not included)
• Videos, articles, resources and tools to build your knowledge
• Unlimited text and email support (for brief questions) between our sessions for the duration of your 60-day program
• Continue ongoing coaching as needed for the same discounted rate per session after your program ends
• My personal commitment to your success!
Each session will build on the previous session to provide you with the support, guidance, and education you need to help you restore your health naturally and successfully reach your goals. 60 days of support- $750 one time. Please note that the service provided is for 60 consecutive days and includes one 90 minute consultation with up to (four) 30 minute sessions.
2 Months of Support- One Time Payment $750- 


#2 In a one-time 90 minute consultation you will attain:

  • A one-time 90 minute consultation.  Once I receive the labs, the completed assessments and notification that the service has been purchased, I’ll notify the client to schedule the one-time 90 minute consultation.
  • A comprehensive Health History Review
  • Breakthrough Goal Setting and Action Planning
  • Personalized Health Success Plan
  • Daily Supplement Guide
  • Dietary recommendations customized just for you
  • Daily Health Journal
  • Conveniently accessed physician-grade supplements
  • Functional lab test recommendations and interpretation of results
  • Access to Functional lab testing (cost of testing not included)
  • Videos, articles, resources and tools to build your knowledge
  • Continue ongoing coaching as needed for a rate discussed during the one-time 90 minute consultation.
  • My personal commitment to your success!

One-Time 90 Minute Consultation is available $400

This provides an opportunity for the client to receive lab and assessment interpretations and recommendations to begin their healing process.   PLEASE READ: In order to achieve this service, you must purchase the service option.  Once I receive the lab results I will NOTIFY THE CLIENT to schedule the one-time 90 minute consultation.  PLEASE DO NOT SCHEDULE PRIOR TO MY NOTIFICATION. 

Follow Up Consultations

IF you have worked with Lynn before you may purchase a FOLLOW Up Consultation below.  Please 

  1. Pay first
  2. Then schedule the consultation via this link

Please DO NOT purchase this option if you have not worked with Lynn.  If you are interested working with Lynn for the first time you must purchase the one-time 90 minute consultation OR the 60 consecutive days support.    Both options are listed above.

Follow up ONLY

Ordering Lab Kits

For international clients, please order lab kits here

For all U.S. clients, please contact Great Plains Laboratory to find out if insurance will cover the labs.  Their contact number is 800-288-0383
Otherwise you can purchase the labs for cash here.

Here's how to begin:

  1. Schedule an initial 20 minute complimentary consultation to discuss with Lynn the best lab tests to order to move forward.
  2. Pay for the service that best suit you or your families needs.
  3. Download the forms included here and complete. Please NOTE: Forms #1, #3, #4, #5 and a purchase option need to be completed and emailed back to me prior to our first meeting.
    1. Welcome Letter - filled with information about my services and contact information.
    2. Credit Card Authorization form- if you prefer over PayPal.
    3. Doctor Notification Policy- to reinforce that you are working minimally with a primary care physician.
    4. Seizures-Health History form- please complete to the best of your ability. For adults- please complete this form.
    5. Special Diet Self-Assessment form- please complete.
    6. Brief Immunological Assessment - please complete.
    7. Daily Food/Supplement Journal- please have on hand to help monitor changes.
  4. Email the completed forms to lynn@advocateforhealing.com
  5. Schedule your first and follow up appointments through my online scheduler.
  6. Additional lab Instructions:
    1. Organic Acid Test – Avoid apples, grapes, pears, and cranberries as well as their juices or products 24 hours before collection.  Also limit liquid intake starting at 6pm the night prior to collection to avoid sample dilution.  Collect the first morning urine sample in the collection cup provided.  Ship the sample only Monday through Thursday for domestic shipments and Monday through Wednesday for international shipments.
    2. IgG Food Sensitivity Dried Blood Spot- Be sure that the collection is soaked through to the backside of the cardboard sample. Also be sure that the collection fills the entire circles.   Be hydrated before sampling.  Massage the fingers between the knuckle and the forefinger and if needed.  If need be, prick 2 fingers for the sample.

I look forward to helping you or your loved one in their health journey.

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