The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for folate intake is 400mcg.  As I’ve posted, previously many of my clients have challenges with taking folate and may even see an increase in seizure activity.  You can read about this here.  However, some may need minimally the RDA and some may need increased support.  A lot of this depends on bio-individuality.    I’ve noticed that most of my clients can tolerate folate intake that occurs naturally through foods.  If your individual needs for folate require more than the RDA, than please speak to a practitioner about to meet your specific needs.

Here’s a decent list that offers a breakdown of folate intake.  Be sure to take note of the dosing (1/2 cup or 1 cup) to meet the requirements indicated in this food list.

Legumes 1 cup of cooked kidney beans 171mcg
1 cup of cooked lentils 358mcg
Asparagus 1/2 cup 134mcg
Eggs – one large 23.5mcg (also has b12)
Leafy greens (spinach/kale/arugula) one cup raw spinach 58.2mcg (also high in A and K)B
Beets – 1 cup of raw beets 148mcg of folate
Organge – 1 large 55mcg of folate
Brussel Sprouts 1/2 cup is 47mcg of folate
Broccoli (cooked) offers 84mcg of folate and sulforophane (helps with the detoxification pathways)
Walnuts – 1 ounce 28mcg of folate
Flaxseeds – 1 ounce 24mcg of folate
Beef liver- 3 ounce offers 212mcg of folate/loaded with B12 and Copper
Banana- medium 23.6mcg folate
Avocado – 1/2 offers 82mcg of folate

Bringing much light,
